The Column

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New evidence suggests Obama 'ain't from around here'

There is still all this controversy about whether Barack Obama was born in the United States; I suspect (and I don't like what he's doing in office either) that this is the result of a few sore losers who are seeking to get him thrown out on a technicality. That's all.

But forget about what the "birthers" have to say. Here is some evidence, from Matt Blum of Wired, that questions of his origin run a lot deeper than that. Blum offers photographic evidence that Obama, as we say out in these parts, ain't from around here:

... You've heard the charges that President Obama wasn't born in the United States. We at GeekDad believe Obama is actually a being from another planet. And we have uncovered photographic "proof ..."

Which may or may not explain a few things ...

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