The Column

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

USA having its own brain drain

I often joke about how American society is losing its brains, but it appears this may be less tongue-in-cheek than I'd want to think.

It seems the United States is losing some of its best, most talented workers to other nations.

This is from USA Today:

...the exodus raises concerns that the United States may lose its competitive edge in science, technology and other fields ...

Let's look at history. Part of why the U.S. has had such an edge in the sciences is because so many of the world's best and brightest emigrated here. We've received the minds of the Einsteins, the Teslas, and the Von Brauns due to someone else's brain drain.

During World War II, the Germans discovered how a bomb, sent over long distance via rocket, could be a useful wartime tool. So they pretty much cornered the market on on rocket scientists. But these geniuses got out of Dodge and moved elsewhere, either to the United States or Russia. Consequently, Germany sat on the sidelines while the two superpowers got the Space Age rolling.

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