The Column

Friday, August 7, 2009

More thoughts while Twitter acts up

Don't know if Twitter is out of the woods yet (posting has been hit-or-miss for me since yesterday). And some folks have ... well, y'all might as well take the coffee pot away from them.

  • Some Twitter and Facebook users panicked as the sites went down Thursday
  • Several online social networks were the victims of cyber-attacks
  • One Twitter user says she felt "naked" without her micro-blog
  • Another says he felt "jittery" during the time Twitter was down

  • My own test posting from this morning:

    ericsomething Was Twit still acting up, or is it me? Sent communiques via SMS last night, Twitter didn't buy 'em.

    Literal translation: Durned if I know.

    Yeah, some folks noticed, ya think?

    ... let’s start with the basics. The simple concept behind a “Denial of Service” attack (note we’re not talking distributed yet) is to overuse the service in question (for example, Twitter) to the point where it becomes unavailable to others. Think of this metaphor: if I call your home telephone over and over again, and you lack call waiting, other callers can’t get through. As long as I keep calling, I’m denying service to others, thus implementing a “Denial of Service” (or DoS) attack. Now, in practice this is close to impossible with an internet service like Twitter, because, not to stretch the metaphor too far, they have a lot of phone lines. There’s no way one computer could use the Twitter service so heavily that it would affect other users ...

    Or something.

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