The Column

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sanford 'obsessed,' his wife says

They're still taking hammer and screwdriver to S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford's marital and other troubles, and the state's First Lady had some really intriguing thoughts on it, as aired in USA Today:

Jenny Sanford also told the magazine that she feels "sorry" for Maria Belen Chapur, with whom Gov. Mark Sanford has had an affair, that her husband appeared to be "obsessed" with Chapur and may have been acting out a midlife crisis.

"Over the course of both pastoral and marriage counseling, it became clear to me that he was just obsessed with going to see this woman," she told Vogue. "I have learned that these affairs are almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography. They just can't break away from them."

Personal footnote: Even though a previous column sure sounded like something out of left field when I wrote it, I was a lot closer than I expected:

Before Sanford's Wednesday afternoon news conference, I began to think his adventure had something much deeper at bottom. Although I would be reaching to suggest something like a meltdown from depression, that did cross my mind ... disappearing acts can be part of it. Impulsive behavior can be a part of it. Of course I'm reaching here, but events of the past few months could trigger a meltdown if Sanford was prone to such thing ...

The drama continues, anyway. And, even though the Sanfords probably wish it was already all over, it's not going to happen any time soon. The public likes that kind of news.

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