The Column

Thursday, October 29, 2009

They vote and reproduce: Reenactor's cannon works

History buff launches blast from the past

Imagine this guy's surprise when his homemade cannon actually worked. His neighbor, though, wasn't terribly amused.

From Boing Boing:

Civil War enthusiast William Maser, 54, accidentally fired a cannonball into his neighbor's house and is now being charged with a felony count of discharging a firearm into an occupied structure ... that's in addition to the charges of reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct that he was already facing for this incident ... what I'm really curious about is Mr. Maser's first reaction to the effectiveness of his homemade cannon ...

I've hung around a number of history buffs and reenactors -- a few out here in South Carolina who relive battles from the War Between The States, and a group of Old West-style gunfighters in Arizona (the latter even talked of having me make a cameo appearance in one of their Main Street gunfights). But one of the cardinal rules of reenactors is this: Don't use live ammo.


Booze and jealousy don't mix

You probably heard about that man and woman in Nevada who were pinned in their bed for more than an hour by a car that drove through the wall and landed on top of them. They were extremely fortunate that they got away with no more than minor injuries.

So how did this happen?

According to CNN, the driver was drunk. OK, that's almost a given. But in that state of mind, he thought he'd surprise his ex-girlfriend and her new man before plowing into the wrong house.


Did you notice anything unusual about him ...?

This crime was easy to solve ...

From the Associated Press:

AP - Police said a one-legged suspect was caught after only one shoe went missing in a store in Belgium. An amputee was an immediate suspect when a store attendant found one shoe missing from a shop in the western Belgian town of Maldegem. Police spokesman Rik Decraemer said Monday authorities were alerted and quickly found the man who fit the description by shopkeepers. The shoe was also recovered.

Many cops I know would have attributed the arrest to "outstanding detective work." Yeah.


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