The Column

Friday, October 2, 2009

Grayson isn't Wilson: Will skate on 'die quickly' comment

Another congressman is facing the storm after venting his feelings about the proposed health care package, though his fate is likely to be different from that of Rep. Joe (You Lie) Wilson.

Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Florida, has apologized to everyone, it seems, except to the other party. He even apologized to dead people.

Grayson said Tuesday that the Republican idea of health care reform is fairly simple. "Don't get sick. That's what the Republicans have in mind. And if you get sick in America, the Republican health care plan is this: die quickly."

The Republicans say they won't pursue a resolution to condemn Grayson if he would apologize to Republican House leadership. So far, Grayson has not done this. In fact, the freshman congressman continued to open his mouth and further tick off the GOP.

"I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America," a defiant Grayson said on the House floor Wednesday. He cited a Harvard study that reported more than 44,000 Americans die yearly because they lack health insurance. "That is ten times more than the number of Americans who have died in Iraq and who died in 9/11," he said Wednesday. "But that was just once. This is every single year. That's right. Every single year. Take a look at this. Read it and weep."

The GOP is not amused.

"Alan Grayson not only refuses to apologize, he is doubling down on his despicable remarks and he is dragging his party with him," said Ken Spain of the National Republican Congressional Committee. "This is an individual who has established a pathological pattern of unstable behavior. He is derailing the national debate on healthcare reform and embarrassing his constituents as a result."

Keep digging that hole, Alan baby.

Grayson's remarks come on the heels of Wilson's highly-publicized outburst, when he shouted "you lie" to Barack Obama when the president said illegal aliens will not be eligible for coverage under the proposed national health care plan. Wilson apologized to Obama, but the Democrats voted to condemn him anyway.

Grayson says his situation is not a carbon copy of Wilson's, though.

"I didn't insult the president in front of 40 million people," he said. " … When you don't have a plan, what that means is your plan is don't get sick. So what I said is true. What Joe Wilson said, on the other hand, is false."

That's not the point. The difference between Wilson's and Grayson's situations has nothing to do with anything except who is in power. That's all. The Democrats have a death grip on both houses of Congress and on the executive branch, so of course a Democrat would have to do something totally outrageous, completely over the top, to gain censure. Apparently, Grayson just hasn't been outrageous enough. He's on the side of the -- well, not of the angels 'cause there aren't many of those in D.C. -- but let's just say he's on the right side.

OK. If both houses of Congress and the Presidency were firmly in Republican hands, you can bet Wilson would probably "skate" while Grayson would have his gonads whacked with a steel ruler. And you can bet I'd be here at my laptop, writing roughly the same thing I am now, only with different names.

It's an extremely dangerous thing to have so many parts of the government in the hands of so few like it is now.

For a bunch of guys in funny-looking wigs, our Founding Fathers had it right. They were coming out from under a monarchy, and wanted something to break up the notion of absolute power. That's the whole idea behind a three-headed (actually four-headed when you crank in the judicial branch) government; each piece limits the authority of the others. As it should be. The federal government should be weak, inefficient, laughable.

OK. A democracy -- or a republic like ours -- morphs into something else, something really objectionable, if all this power is in the hands of one bloc, one party, one anything. This is especially true when the times are as uncertain as they are now.

Hey, I got this straight from Civics 101, at least the parts of the class I didn't sleep through (leave it to our education system to transform something as vitally important as government into an excruciatingly boring subject).

It's still up in the air what will happen with Grayson. He's still ticking off the minority party, and it probably won't make a dime's worth of difference. He's on the side of the ... well, you know what I mean.


You tell me: Will Alan Grayson get the steel ruler anyway? Has he pooched his chances for reelection? Will Joe Wilson join him in the unemployment line after next year's Congressional elections? Comments are welcome around here.


Brittanicus said...

With unemployment at a 26 year high, the New York Times has revealed that immigration authorities at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have undertaken preparations for issuing visas to 11-18 millions (?) My guess over 20 million + illegal aliens who would be granted--BLANKET AMNESTY--if Congress is--able--to pass immigration reform legislation. Now is the time to remind your Senators and Representatives at 202-224-3121, that we demand they do NOT enroll on to this ill conceived abomination. Into our country at least a million law abiding newcomers come annually, clutching their entry visas; many waiting for years for a chance at the American dream. But the thrall of lobotomized Democrats are in for a hard lesson, including some Republican business enthusiasts, who think it's--going to be a simple solution approving this financial calamity.

This illegal alien mess has been methodically created by both parties for decades. But monumental amounts of the US population do not agree with this outcome. LaRaza, a radical anti-Sovereignty organization, will transform the US into a third world dumping ground yet?

All we need is mandatory E-Verify to remove from every honest business, workers who came here illegally; those who don't will suffer severe penalties. This is a murky back-door way for hard-line Liberal Democrats to sneak past all verification measures, which would approve a path to citizenship for lawbreakers thus giving them access to--YOUR--health care? All Americans GOOGLE--NUMBERSUSA, to uncover the deceitful way they plan to cheat all legal workers and citizens? America is already on the road to irreversible OVERPOPULATION. Do all the people out their who are suffering from a compassion syndrome, believe--ALL--Americans want to pay even higher taxes to support corporate welfare, for the millions they have already hired? I don't think so?

This is one of the cloaked agendas of The Council of Foreign Relations to intensify the unfettered inflow of destitute peoples into North America. We already spend more money across the globe, than anyone else? Yet the United Nations is never satisfied. We already have a negative-dollar free trade treaty, which has seen the disappearance of our manufacturing industries. To me Globalism and internationalism are dirty words, and when Americans open their eyes it might be too late? Our country is being emasculated by the illegal immigration and the financial support poured out by unaware taxpayers. America is like the Greek god "Atlas" supporting the world and its issues? That is exactly what we are doing--SUPPORTING THE WORLD? For the record 15 Democrats are already discussing your fate, as they strife to undermine immigration enforcement amendment.

1. To permanently reauthorize E-Verify? 2. To complete the 700 miles of border fencing? 3. To continue and not rescind the No-match-letter program, that HS Napolitano has closed down. 4. Grassley’s amendment to allow all businesses that use E-Verify to run all of their current employees through the E-Verify system. Go see who the traitors are to our protection of the border at NUMBERSUSA.

Brittanicus said...

Do you know what the state of our highways or underground utilities? Each state has 30 year underground causeways of irreparable water and sewage pipes that our government has ignored. Again I say watch "The Crumbling of America" on the History channel. Each year our bridges and dams are deteriorating, so they do hasty repairs, but many are seeing deployable erosion that cannot be fixed, because the state has not enough money? Yet the Democrats want to cause an avalanche of impoverished people, who will want to bring in even more family members. Who’s going to recompense for them? Then even more will break through the fence, enter as a tourist or slip into America via the Caribbean? The onslaught will never end and our reservoir of cash is finally exhausted.

I have a hard time paying my taxes, without paying more for the impecunious, uneducated who slip into our sovereign country bring the criminals, the handicapped and elderly immigrants. Who pays for my family and kids, the house payment, health care and car? NOT THE BLOODY TRAITORS IN WASHINGTON ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE WHO KEEP PILING ON HIDDEN TAXES TO SUBSIDIZE ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS AND FAMILIES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES. I'LL EVEN GO FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE SKILLED JOBS AND SOMETHING TO OFFER, BUT NOT FOR JUST ANYBODY WHO TAXPAYERS HAVE TO SUPPORT? Learn more about corruption at JUDICIAL WATCH. Learn about POPULATION GROWTH at CAPSWEB.

Anonymous said...

Brittanicus, though your two replies read like press releases (kind of like what we'd call "spam" now) and it's a real stretch to tie them to the subject matter of my original posts, I'm leaving them intact. You do bring up some valid points, and I'll check those sites out when I have a few moments to do so. All one has to do is visit my old neighborhood (in southern California) and that's a living testament outlining the need for tighter borders. Thanks!