The Column

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Satire: Writer takes a look at future air travel

While researching for my article on the Nigerian bombing suspect, I kicked up a piece in The Huffington Post about what may go on at airports in the future.

This article, written by Bob Geiger, has to be satire. It's too freaky to be real. Reading it now, it's a hoot. I'm not discounting the possibility that it may not be so funny later, though.

But in the meantime, read the article. Here's an excerpt:

... at Los Angeles International Airport a suspicious toddler was recently subdued by alert Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents while creating a disturbance when asked by TSA employees to empty her SpongeBob SquarePants sippy cup ... "She was babbling in some foreign tongue," said TSA agent Fritz Warton, a hardened veteran in the war on terror. "It was either 'want juice' or 'death to America' and I damn sure wasn't waiting to find out which it was." ... authorities arrested the child's parents when they defended the young girl by claiming their 18-month-old daughter had not yet learned to speak. Todd and Wendy Jensen are being held without bond at L.A. County Jail pending transfer to Guantanamo Bay where they will face a military tribunal ... "It's just a shame so many parents are raising their children to hate America," sighed Warton, as he returned to frisking a wheelchair-bound elderly woman ...

Borrowing a disclaimer Edward Abbey used in "The Monkey Wrench Gang," all these incidents are real, and they happened three years from now.


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