The Column

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Global warming: Y'all stop breathing; it'll damage the Earth

Representatives of more than 150 nations -- including 100 heads of state -- are conspiring with our future in Copenhagen this week.

At issue is this so-called global warming, which may or may not be a real issue, but the evidence itself is completely discredited.

I've made my stance known on global warming. Yes, the planet does seem to be getting a bit warmer. I'm basing my assertion on tidal activity I've noticed here in Charleston over the past 12 years, plus some of the footage I've seen of shrinking and/or fracturing polar ice caps. I'm leaving myself lots of wiggle room here, though, as I could just be full of it.

Now, here's where things get murky. The planet has its history of fluctuating temperatures, and as recently as 1985 scientists were suggesting we were on a cooling trend. This truth is a big reason why they're no longer calling it "global warming," but "climate change," thereby making the issue even more nebulous.

Because of this history, I'm a lot less sure of the computer models the self-appointed global warming experts use to predict an apocalyptic disaster.

And will someone please tell me, just what is the optimum earth temperature? Are we like the Three Bears here -- too hot, too cold, or just right?

While I believe human activity is a factor in these fluctuations, it takes a gigantic leap in logic to say carbon dioxide is a factor. CO2 been one of the byproducts of animal and human life. Humans have been breathing since they first appeared on this planet. Cattle have been burping and farting since they got here. And to call it a dangerous pollutant? Well, I'm not going to go out of my way to suck up a cylinder of pure carbon dioxide, but these global-warming activists are gonna have to try again.

We continue to breathe and pass gas, and we still burn our fossil fuels. But our use of energy is a lot more efficient than it was a generation ago.

And the more they bloviate about climate change, the more carbon dioxide is expelled.

I mentioned flawed evidence here, and a bunch of intercepted emails indidate much of this evidence is completely manufactured. Full of it. Created out of wishful thinking and perhaps a political agenda.

To give an idea how politically charged this whole thing is, consider these points:

- The mainstream media completely ignored stories of manufactured evidence, and only started coverage after being so thoroughly humiliated by the alt-press.

- Sen. Barbara Boxer called for the heads of -- not the people who created the bad evidence, but the folks who leaked the emails. Sort of like the way Daniel Ellsberg was treated by the government in the early 1970s after he leaked papers showing how misguided and out of control the Vietnam War was. The party line then, as now, is to shoot the messenger rather than address the message.

But instead of stepping back and rethinking the validity of the evidence, the climate-change doom-shouters continue to further their agenda, giving no trouble to what these bothersome little facts might say.

Meanwhile, the folks in Copenhagen are, like I said, conspiring with our future. Part of this future will certainly include "transferring wealth" and technology by fiat to lesser developed countries, all in the interest of mitigating the damage done by climate change. Which makes no sense whatsoever.

But when you look at this whole process as nothing but a global power grab, then it all starts to make a bunch of sense, and very quickly.


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