The Column

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jam Session, Reloaded to explore music at several levels

Those who know me were probably expecting this sometime.

Although writing has been my profession for many years, news is an addiction, and tearing apart computers is something I do for fun, music is my passion.

If you can define your passion as something you'd rather do than eat, then there's no contest. To me, listening to a good live performance will make me forget I'm hungry. And if I'm in the middle of it all, playing that music, then that's going to trump any stomach growling any time.

So there it is.

I am a musician, and after jumping up on stages for nearly 25 years, it's still the greatest kick I can think of. The only thing that's close is listening to other musicians.

Actually, I found my way into music through the back door. I wrote about it before I gathered my guts and sat in with a jazz band for the first time. And in the newest entry in my blogging stable, you'll see more of that.

So, today is the first entry for The Jam Session, Reloaded. I'll be attacking my passion on several levels:

For the casual listener, I'll have stories, my takes on various performers, lots of videos (YouTube is your friend), and maybe a few listening ideas. If I turn you on to some wonderful new (well, new to you) sounds, then this blog is a successful one.

For the accomplished listener – or the creative person (doesn't matter where this creativity may be), I'll probably have some things on the process of making something out of nothing.

For the musician, I'll probably talk shop. In fact, if the conversation gets a little technical here and there, just bear with me. I'll get over it soon.

The jam session is starting. Turn your radio dial to and rip the knob off. Grab a seat – either on the stage or in front of it – open your ears, and enjoy.

-- ericsomething


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