The Column

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The government couldn't run a ... ?

(Note: This from an email my Dad sent. "This does warrant serious thought," he added. And yes, I remember when this all happened, and I laughed my butt off then, too. --ericsomething)

Back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed.

Now we are trusting the economy of our country to a pack of nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whorehouse and selling booze???

Just something to think about....


GeologyJoe said...

So what your saying is, if they couldn't keep open a business running the oldest profession in the world....we're doomed.

Anonymous said...

geologyjoe, it sure doesn't sound good no matter how you look at it.