The Column

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tech matters and penguin dust in new blog

As you may have noticed, I'm very interested in technical matters. One only has to run through a few headlines in this space to figure that out.

Sometimes -- just like computers themselves -- it gets in the way.

My emphasis with The Column, Reloaded is in news and commentary. Of course, that covers a lot of bases, but with all the tech stuff in here one kind of wonders what this blog is all about. Like, where's the focus, man?

Because of this, The Column, Reloaded has its own spin-off, its own sister publication. Say hello to The Workbench, Reloaded.

In Workbench, you will find all the geeky things that I have this tendency to write about, and then some. A few hacks. Maybe a review or two. Some stuff that makes you want to put on the ol' tinfoil hat. Some tech toys coming down the pike. Ways to make a computer that should have been retired functional again. My own garden of how-I-dunnits. It'll all be there.

Be warned, though. I'm not big on Microsoft Windows. This is not for political reasons; I don't have any particular ire toward Bill Gates or MS. Instead, I like choice. I like my system my way, customizable to the hilt. So Workbench will have a definite Linux slant to it.

Yes, I've been snorting too much penguin dust. Don't tell anybody.

But there will still be stuff for the Windows user, particularly the one who wants the most function for that old computer you found at the yard sale.

Anyway ... enjoy!

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