The Column

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vanity Fair: Hillary for SCOTUS? You're kidding, right?

Please. You're killin' me.


" ... as you might have heard, there's a Supreme Court gig opening up this summer. And as you also might have heard, the Clinton-for-SCOTUS speculation has already begun ... 
"... this morning on the Today show, Senate Judiciary Committee member Orrin Hatch (R-UT) told Matt Lauer that he "heard the name Hillary Clinton today" in conjunction with Obama's possible Supreme Court nominees. "That would be an interesting person in the mix," he said. (Note the use of the adjective "interesting," the most diplomatic of pejoratives.) Lauer asks, "In your opinion, would she be qualified?" To which Hatch responds, "I have a high respect for her and think a great deal of her, but I'm not going to pre-judge that." He adds, "We'd have to be very fair about it ..."



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