The Column

Monday, April 5, 2010

A few good writing tips

In an online discussion of writers earlier today, some of us gave our top three writing tips. Of course, being a practicing wordsmith (meaning that if I keep practicing, I just might get pretty good), I had to submit my own.

Here they are:

1. My note pad goes everywhere with me. 
2. Know how you best work, and do that. For me it's in short, 30-minute bursts of kickbutt. 
3. Don't just talk about it, don't just dream about it, don't just think about it or read about it. Write!

There's an anecdote that goes with #3. According to the story, Nobel Prize-winning novelist Sinclair Lewis (who, like the other  American Nobel Prize winners in literature at the time, was known to empty a bottle or three) was invited to speak at a writer's conference. He took the podium, and asked the students: Who around here is serious about being a writer?

Of course, everyone raised their hands.

"Then why ... aren't you at home writing?" 

And with that, Lewis left the room.



kaorumaru said...

That's what I tell to my english teacher every day when he's whining about what a good writer he would be.

I'm so taking your advise. Thank you so much

ericsomething said...

Kaorumaru, there's an old expression: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Very true. I got lucky in college myself. I had the usual run of comp profs who could barely communicate a simple thought, but one of my teachers was Ron Arias (check him on Wikipedia). The real deal. But that's extremely rare. I can see from your blog (after I ran it through a translator) that you're passionate about writing. Follow that. Let the others whine in private.