The Column

Saturday, July 4, 2009

They don't make 'em like they used to

Dick Cavett (from the New York Times)

While I'm in a (kaboom!) Independence Day state of mind, here are a few thought from Dick Cavett (who has to be about 900 years old now) on pyrotechnics. He misses the good stuff. This is from the New York Times blogs site:

Fireworks ! The word still raises the hair on my arms. (The lower arms, mainly.) Fireworks of all kinds were legal back then in Nebraska, and the opening of the first fireworks stand at the edge of town meant infinitely more to me than the first crocuses did to the flower-worshipper, the robin to the bird-lover . . . well, you get the point ... I didn’t like fireworks. I loved them. (Pyrotechnomania?) And I don’t mean the stuff that girls and sissies liked: fountains, sparklers, pinwheels and those infantile “snakes.” I mean the big stuff. The heavy ordnance. Cherry bombs, torpedoes, aerial bombs, two-, three- and even six-inchers (jumbo firecrackers). And, once, a 12-shot repeater aerial bomb.

Happy reading. Have a blast, along with a safe & sane Fourth!

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