The Column

Monday, August 25, 2008

Goodbye to my favorite hack

In the past I was able to post short entries by remote control, but those days are now over.

I'd submitted a number of shorter entries using a service called Jott, which allowed me to use my cell phone, call in news, and have it automatically posted into this blog.

A few days ago, the folks at Jott changed things around some. The system is now out of beta, and is considered ready for the masses. As a result, what used to be a free service is now something I'd have to pay for.

No complaint there. Jott has the right to charge whatever they want for their product and/or service. And as a consumer I have the right to determine whether the price they ask is worth it to me. And I stick with free (free as in choice AND free as in beer) software on my computer. I'm not about to break that tradition right now.

The original concept of Jott was a system that lets you dictate little notes to yourself, and it was expanded to let people send short messages to things like TypePad, WordPress, Blogspot, Google Calendar, and text/voice emails to people.

The free version still allows me to do a few things, including post short pieces to this blog. Very short. Like, very very short. In the past I had 30 seconds to say my piece; now I now have 15. Not even enough to kick out a short paragraph. If I need more time I'll have to subscribe.

The free version, I understand, is ad-supported. Which I can understand. So, too, is this blog, but at least on the ads in The Column, Reloaded I do get a (small) piece of the action.

The subscription price is not much -- it's chicken feed, in fact. But I'm not going to mess with it, so that will be the end of an era.

Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted. And I did enjoy beta-testing it.

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