The Column

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hey, is this thong yours?

I must share this.

The other day I was at the laundromat, washing my clothes. I pulled my socks and underdrawers out of the dryer, and in the load was ... a thong.

Not mine. Not my size, and definitely not my style. I didn't want it, and I have no idea where it came from. I wasn't real sure I wanted to know, either.

Now, this isn't like socks. If you notice an extra sock in your load, you set it aside. If you don't notice it (which is most likely), you take it home. No one's the wiser. A thong (known in some circles as "butt floss"), though, that's a whole different animal.

So, I did my civic duty.

Quietly, I hung it on the door of a nearby dryer, at eye level.

And waited to see if someone would actually claim it.

A few other folks in the laundromat noticed what I'd done, and joined me in the vigil. I'm sure some watchers even placed bets on the outcome.

Sure enough, as I was folding my shirts (and pretending not to notice), someone actually did step forward and claim it. A female (a good sign, that), and obviously with more guts than I.

This did liven the joint up, which is something most laundromats need anyway.


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