The Column

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sanford tells how GOP mailed it in

Although he's likely to blurt out nearly anything when the cameras are whirring, I really like South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford.

Earlier in the year, Sanford gained a lot of mention as a possible vice-presidential candidate (and not just in the local press) before nominee John McCain opted for Sarah Palin. But Sanford, although listed as a Republican, is not a "pure" one. His thinking and politics are more libertarian than that, which makes him an interesting political species. But he's got a future.

Recently, Sanford wrote an essay for giving his take on how the GOP let the whole thing get away in the Nov. 4. election. The Ted Stevens debacle is the Cliff's Notes version of why the Republican Party went off the rails, he suggests.

His article is definitely worth a look.

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